Youngest Mobile Game App Developer - Zora Ball

Youngest Mobile Game App Developer - Zora Ball

According to Mashable, Zora Ball has become the youngest person to develop a mobile game app at the age of seven. The mobile app created by her was introduced for the first time at the University of Pennsylvania’s Bootstrap Expo in the December of last year.

Interestingly, she is in first grade at her school and she accomplished what many learned programmers can just think about. She used Bootstrap programming language to create this mobile app. Her older brother Trace is also a STEM scholar of the year at her charter school.

If the young kids are encouraged to be creative and share their intelligence freely by making some constructive use of their energies and ideas, many other young minds can develop things which even adults can just imagine about. This also proves that creativity is not an age-specific phenomenon, but a person of any age can be creative and express that creativity if given the right opportunity.

Many genius kids like Zora Ball are out there who are eager to create mobile apps or even something else not related to technology, but given them the right environment for being able to do that is all that counts at the end. Bootstrap Expo is one such platform where app developers are welcomed and it is said to encourage children. Usually participating in such conventions and expos require a participant to be at-least 18 years of age, but not when you are seeking talent.